Friday, October 23, 2009

Bad Neglectful Blogger

Life with a newborn and a special needs child is a challenge. But now that the baby is almost 6 months can I still call him a newborn? Sorry to whoever still reads along for the lack in posting. Life just gets away from me (if you could see my house right now you'd understand what I'm saying and know that it's true!).

I, once again, will promise to try to get back to blogging as regularly as I can manage. I am now working part time but it feels like full time after all is said and done. Thomas is in school full days five days a week! Jacob is growing like a weed and I can tell already that I will be in for it with him in ways I never experienced with Thomas. I'm excited about that, and to be truthful I'm also a little scared!

For now here is a little peek at my gorgeous boys. These pictures were taken about two weeks ago (by me! I'm a wannabe photographer).

1 comment:

Holly Anderson said...

Yay! Nicky's back! :-) Says the fellow blogger who's fallen off the face of the earth ...