Sunday, September 23, 2007


I finally get a night out with the girls and come home to a dog that has been sprayed by a skunk! The one night my husband is in charge and this is what happens. Now I know why I never go anywhere. lol

Since it happened on his watch I made hubby give the dog a bath. I found a recipe for de-skunkifying a dog online so he gave it a try. Afterward I went out to sniff the poor guy to see if he was allowed back in the house. Nope, still stinky. So mama had to step in and take matters into her own hands. Armed with a bottle of vinegar and some mandarin orange body wash, I set out to prove to my husband why, after seven years of marriage, he should still appreciate his wife. Now our dog smells like a pickle! But hey, a pickle smells better than a skunk, right? I think so too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This comment has nothing to do with skunks, although I did love that you used mandarin body wash!

I just found your blog through Dream Mom, and promptly got caught up on your posts. You have a beautiful happy boy, and I look forward to hearing more about his exploits. I wouldn't be able to avoid looking in the rearview mirror either--that face!